We decided that there is such a lot of pent up frustration from rugby supporters of every other team, except of course the Bulls, that a channel is needed to blow off some steam.

Well, this is your opportunity…. with a difference…

The rules are simple, here they are, they have to be adhered to in EVERY post:

  • Your comment must be of an INSULTING NATURE
  • You may not insult other bloggers FAMILY MEMBERS
  • You may NOT GET ANGRY
  • Be EXTREMELY careful with player insults, this site does not take responsibility for what you say here about players

Penalties for not conforming with the rules will be severe and be metered out by the WEBMONSTERS here… punishments might include a public flogging, a “STRAFDOP”, a PK, a severe tongue-lashing, banishment back to Mordor and Voldy for a week…. this is serious shit!!

Gooooooooooi mieliessssssss, you lot of insufferable, scum-sucking, nipple-nosed muppits & moepels & mopkoppe…. none of you deserve to be RUGBY SUPPORTERS if you do not participate here!

PS! Your participation is on a voluntary basis…. hehehe

239 Responses to Fight Club – get it out of your system

  • 181

    180@ Asblikkie – Ek hettie skoene nie…. net harde skurwe voete…

    Flok, maar jy was skaars…. seker weer besig om mense te bedonner in jou negosiewinkel!

  • 182

    Knew it. Just when I am back to join the fight club. Everyone is GONE……..HEHEHEHE.

    You blerrie buggers…. 😆

  • 183

    182@ Puma – Where were you, damnit??

    By the way, when are you going for your Back operations… or whatever?

  • 184

    183 GBS

    Next week. Saw my Neurosergeon yesterday. Only now having 2nd thoughts. He does not want to do the spinal block but wants to go in and just kill off 3 nerves.

    Jeepers I just stopped listening to him and thought I am not coming back. What happens I asked hima he just said nothing it is safe. I think it might cause problems with the leg where a lot of pain is coming from the lower back. I know someone that had something similar done and now cant feel both legs. So have to think about this serious. He said the pain would be gone but of course that is just sorting out the pain and not the problem. A op is what I need just don’t want to do it yet. I have coped with it for years just 2 weeks back lifted something heavy and it has got worse. So have to think should I give this a go or what.

  • 185

    meant Neurosurgeon. Brain also gone today…hehehe

  • 186

    How is your Boet GBS? When is he having that op you said he was going to have in the leg?

  • 187

    184 – 186 @ Puma – Get a 2nd Opinion Puma…. doctors are often reckless…

    Last week I said my Boet has had 8 operations, I was wrong, he’s had 11 operations already… he is going for the operation in about a week’s time… I initially thought it was going to be this week.

  • 188

    187 – GBS

    Thanks boeta. Will do. This is one of the top Neurosurgeons. He has done a spinal block on my neck and lower back before but it never helped. So maybe he is thinking of doing this. It just sounds a bit reckless to me. To kill off nerves in the lower back. I am sure it will cause problems in the leg. Like numbing it.

    Look I can take a lot of pain. Been walking with my kak knees now for 2 years. I just get on with it but lower back pain can be horrible. Will just have to think careful what I want to do. Today it feels not too bad.

    Sorry about your boet GBS. He must be in huge pain. So many ops too. Hope this one is successful and he is pain free. Did he enjoy the game at Lofus on Saturday? Good times like that like you just forget about pain boeta. How does he get about in the stadium? Does he have a wheelchair? Can he walk a bit? Must be difficult for him.

  • 189

    188@ Puma – get a 2nd Opinion… it won’t hurt…

    Kruppelbroer walks with 2 crutches but he walks damn slowly, very damn slowly. Loftus has easy access walkways all the way up… so he walks his way up to the seats. The thing is, the current pin whick is in the leg seems to be too long, so it feels lik Kruppelbroer is being poked with a knife in the knee every step.. Damn, he has aged in a year!

  • 190

    gbs @ 181
    vrek besig man
    eks alweer uit
    sien môre!!

  • 191

    190@ Asbakkie – Besig om in jou neus te grawe??

    Ek belowe jou, daarsie diamante nie… flok!

  • 192

    Gbs bly stil en kam jou gesig

  • 193

    189 – GBS

    Shame man gbs, He must be in a lot of pain. Here I think I have problems he is far, far worse off than me.

    I really, really want to go to the test at Loftus next year. If you say you can get about there easy then that is my mind made up. Will come.

    Easy for me at Ellis Park I always get a box seat there and just walk up the ramp. It is easy. At the Tank I mostly sit in the west stand and try and get a seat where there are not too many steps. Going to get myself a season ticket next year. Never have before as I am back and forward from Joburg to Umhlanga so it never seemed worth it. Next year think I will be more in Umhlanga so will try and get a ticket if it is in the right place and not too many steps to climb with the kak knees.

  • 194

    192@ smalpielletjies72(mm) – Fok U…..

    Freegin Vrystaater…. kam jy jou holhare, hulle sleep al op die grond…. en vee jou eie spore dood…. hehehe

  • 195

    Okay is the fight club back on? Have to think of something to say then…..hehehe.

    Smallies us Sharkies are coming for Brussow with a big cheque and……and………and maybe some more……hehehe. No think we are gate crashing the Lions and taking some of their players now 😆

  • 196

    193@ Puma – Access at Loftus is not a problem… really… Loftus also has revolving ramps like Ellispark… all the way up

  • 197

    196 GBS then I will go for sure. Was looking at the game on Saturday and see plenty fields around the stadiums where everyone braais too. Kinda like the Tank in that way. Looked like a nice vibe going on there.

  • 198

    GBS what you think of Chili maybe going to the Lions? Now that Botha is back maybe Chile should take a chance and play at the Lions and get some game time? What you think? Where is Kuun going to play next year? Read he wont play hooker now that Gary is back.

  • 199

    197@ Puma – Very much the same, 3 major schools around Loftus PLUS Loftus’s B & C Fields. Affies Seuns- and Affies Meisiesskool as well as Pretoria Girls High, right next to Loftus… plus Tukkies Campus close by and Pretoria Boys high not too far away.

    Plenty places to braai, in a very good neighbourhood.

  • 200

    198@ Puma – Chilli should be allowed to go to the Lions… We will have Gary Botha & Bandise Maku…. Kuun will revert to Openside flanker, but he can fill in as hooker when needed.

    Not necessary to have 4 quality hookers

  • 201

    GBS I just bought the SA rugby mag. Don’t always get it these days but got this one.

    A great pull out with Bakkies facing the ABs 5. Also of Habs.

  • 202

    Gbs die melk koeie is daar vir meisies wat se tiellies te klein is ek hoor jy is die glam guru se spesiale vriend

  • 203

    Puma jeanerie deysel en meisiekind in die selle span eish

  • 204

    202@ smallpielletjies72(mm) – Glam Guru is ‘n Vrystaater…. hehehe

    Flok, my vrou kyk al daai kakkas op TV….

  • 205

    Gbs daai ou bat beslis vir die ander span.ek hoor hy is die bulle se beeld poefter

  • 206

    205@ smallies72 – Natuurlik bat hy vir die ander span… Handbriekie sê sy maatjie is sy besigheidsvennoot…

    Hy kannie eers Bulls spel nie…. dink hy skree Vrystaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat as sy maatjie hom laat buk… hehehe

  • 207

    Gbs nee hy skree buhuhuhuuuls oh

  • 208

    207@ smallies72 – Wat is jy so behep met die moffies vandag, is daar iets wat jy ons wil vertel… uit die kas uit?

  • 209

    203 😀

    Cheers all out of here now. Back later. Need to eat…..hehehe. Missed lunch and starving.

  • 210

    Waar’s smallies nou, het hy sy tampon gaan ruil?

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