We decided that there is such a lot of pent up frustration from rugby supporters of every other team, except of course the Bulls, that a channel is needed to blow off some steam.

Well, this is your opportunity…. with a difference…

The rules are simple, here they are, they have to be adhered to in EVERY post:

  • Your comment must be of an INSULTING NATURE
  • You may not insult other bloggers FAMILY MEMBERS
  • You may NOT GET ANGRY
  • Be EXTREMELY careful with player insults, this site does not take responsibility for what you say here about players

Penalties for not conforming with the rules will be severe and be metered out by the WEBMONSTERS here… punishments might include a public flogging, a “STRAFDOP”, a PK, a severe tongue-lashing, banishment back to Mordor and Voldy for a week…. this is serious shit!!

Gooooooooooi mieliessssssss, you lot of insufferable, scum-sucking, nipple-nosed muppits & moepels & mopkoppe…. none of you deserve to be RUGBY SUPPORTERS if you do not participate here!

PS! Your participation is on a voluntary basis…. hehehe

239 Responses to Fight Club – get it out of your system

  • 151

    die bulls dink dit was n fight want net poofters noem dit n fight

  • 152

    #145 Treehugger

    Crikey, talk about getting technical – and uppity! You got a promotion or what – from treehugger to branch manager? 😉

  • 153

    147@ PoePolla – Gemail…

  • 154

    Fender doll, you are WP, do you honestly think a bull is going to feel sorry for you, they dislike like you guys more than they dislike SHARKSSSSSSSSSSS.

    Us they fear and respect and rightly so. evil:

  • 155


  • 156


  • 157

    154@ Boomninny_the_branch_manager – Don’t be presumptious…. We fear nothing but fear itself…. we only respect women (that’s why we respect WP a little bit)…

  • 158

    #154..Treeshaker…how can you have Sharks and Respect in the same sentence?…

  • 159

    #157..and then we will F..k you over!..lol

  • 160

    I hafta run!..It’s been fun. Thanks GBS. Goodbye en Koebaai

  • 161

    Steve Stofsuier can’t play guitar!

    (Damn, I’m not that good at this as thought I would be – I’m really scraping the barrel here…..)

  • 162

    #154 Ooooo yes, just look at us shaking in our boots, this while we clench the s14 abd curry cup in our sweaty little hands 😉

  • 163


    November 4th, 2009 at 12:59 PM

    Weet iemand al hoe lank dit gaan vat voor Spies weer skoon is?

    KP jy kan ‘n bul uit die vuil uit haal, maar jy kan nie die vuil uit ‘n bul haal nie. Wetenskaplik onmoontlik, natuurwet.

  • 164

    158 – We going to mop the floor with your team next season.

    GBS……………. Am still trying to think of a good comeback

  • 165


    Jis jou blou koggelmander

  • 166

    162 – Tripples lol that is just the DTs after a hard weekend celebrateing 😎 the shakeing that is.

  • 167

    78 – Polla

    Us Sharkies are spreading the looooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveee This time round. Not only from our feeder union we getting some from the LIONS TOO. Ou mountain top that lets a ou big Figi lose if for them in the semi……….hehehehehe.

    Ag, just getting started on the Fight Club and have to go out.

    Back laters. Will have to think of some things to say. Will be back with a big punch.. 😆

  • 168

    Got to go someone bringing in a mongoose

  • 169

    168@ Boomninny – Cheers, Family of your’s… the mongoose I mean?

    …. hehehe

  • 170


    The shaking in the blue boots is symptomatic.

    The cause is blue crotches being invested by 1000’s of fleas, and roid arms being to deformed to be able to scratch

  • 171

    165@ Barbaar – Hello jou blerrie barbaar, Barbaar.

  • 172


    Hoe hang die droë blou ballas vandag?

  • 173

    171 GBS

    Jy het mail

  • 174

    172@ Barbaar – Weetie, Supa was noggie hier om ons te vertel hoe dit met hom gaan nie

  • 175

    Man, I’m short of game time with this insult thing….

    Let’s see……

    Bulls, take your little lucky packet walk in the park trophies and shove them as deep up your asses as your roid deformed arms will allow.

    Rude letter follows……

  • 176

    175@ Barbaar-skoppie – As jy ‘n f’cadilly bygesit het was jy verseker skoppie!

  • 177


    heehhe fok skoppie – kon nie sy volle reeks byvoeglike naamwoorde onthou nie

  • 178

    Got 2 new Polls on the Home Page, PLUS go check the Final CC SuperBru standings and the NEW End of Year SuperBru Page…. with interim results.

  • 179

    I wonder where everybody is…. either they are ALL playing golf or they have to work because the bloody boss is on the golf course…

    Sad sacks…. shame

    Is it just me or is it terribly cold in Gauteng… not good summer weather here at the moment at all

  • 180

    gbs @ 179
    trek jou f*kken skoene aan,
    sal almal trugkom!!
    😯 ek is mos oppie regte thread, is ek nie?

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