We decided that there is such a lot of pent up frustration from rugby supporters of every other team, except of course the Bulls, that a channel is needed to blow off some steam.

Well, this is your opportunity…. with a difference…

The rules are simple, here they are, they have to be adhered to in EVERY post:

  • Your comment must be of an INSULTING NATURE
  • You may not insult other bloggers FAMILY MEMBERS
  • You may NOT GET ANGRY
  • Be EXTREMELY careful with player insults, this site does not take responsibility for what you say here about players

Penalties for not conforming with the rules will be severe and be metered out by the WEBMONSTERS here… punishments might include a public flogging, a “STRAFDOP”, a PK, a severe tongue-lashing, banishment back to Mordor and Voldy for a week…. this is serious shit!!

Gooooooooooi mieliessssssss, you lot of insufferable, scum-sucking, nipple-nosed muppits & moepels & mopkoppe…. none of you deserve to be RUGBY SUPPORTERS if you do not participate here!

PS! Your participation is on a voluntary basis…. hehehe

239 Responses to Fight Club – get it out of your system

  • 61

    59@ Tjarky – Man, julle is fattup, erken dit maar!

    Net die Flasher girls issie fattup nie

  • 62

    #52 en #53 Tripples..WP het eerste daai blou kleur gehad!..Julle het hom on 1938 maar by WP kom leen!…en die Baberton Daisy is moerse common!..elke tweede koie skyt op hom!..Die disa is skaars!

  • 63

    #58 😆 Hy jy mag nie famielielede vloek nie!!!!!!

    Onthou julle vir Happy Sindane, daai kind wat half swart en half wit was wat sy familie gesoek het….

    in daai tyd toe soek radio tuks (wat almal jou maaa noem) nuwe deejays en hulle sit toe oral op kampus posters op met happy se foto daarop en ‘n slagspreuk van “Jou Maaaaaaaaaaa……..soek jou”, was baei funny maar hulle moes dit toe afhaal en vir Happy iets soos R5000 gee….

  • 64

    😆 boet

  • 65

    ek dink happy sindane is joost se kind 😆

  • 66


  • 67

    #58 Die Bulls het nie ‘n mechanic nodig nie, hulle loop soos ‘n goed ge-oliede masjien!!!!

    Uhm Chokertjie, didn’t Percy also play for the Sharks? Hmmmm you know, the wife beater

  • 68

    Sharky..you are not going to get away with it!..you are a bunch of blerrie thieves who cannot survive without your feeder union the cheetahs!…develop some of your own players for fats sakes!

  • 69

    #66 No probably Steve and Joosts Love child…..or Steve and Jurie’s, who knows

  • 70

    #68 this coming from the team that has just bought Fourie, Habana, and gets a Stooooopid fijiian (sp?) to come and play and lose the semi’s for them?

  • 71

    says polla who comes from brokeback mountain that for years stole our players without even farking playing for them 🙄

    bulls cheetahs and lions and cape apes stole our players :anger; now its pay back time, and lifes a bitch hehehehe,,

    hey polla atleast we pay for them

    oh and dont forget about the 8 players you guys have bought this year so far

    oh shit did i spill the beans on you? 😆

  • 72

    Tripples…wanneer ‘n Capie daai gooi praat hy nie rerig meer van jou famielie nie!..Dis amper nou al ‘n woord soos mase!…

  • 73

    Slow down with player insults, you lot of numb nuts!

  • 74

    lol tripples and true

    lol trippy ur right , broke back mountain has bougght the most and he dares open his jabberwokie mouth lol

    who ever we bought is not even official yet , only talk

  • 75

    Pity the Baby Blues couldnt be more manly, i mean really did you see XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. (Edited, not allowed)

    Behave yourself Boomninny, FFS!

  • 76

    #72 ja nee toemaar ek weet, spot maar net so bietjie met jou….

  • 77

    ok all lets rather insult rudi 😆 😆 😆

  • 78

    #71 No Sharky..you did not spill anything on me….Though you Sharks okes do spill the ball a lot!…must learn some basics again before you try the Super 14 next year!…We buy as well…but not from the same place everytime!..spread the joy around man!..dont suck one fountain dry!

  • 79

    boombieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dawliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

  • 80

    #75 hi there TH, Bet you wish he played for your choker team?

  • 81

    And as for the HORNS that the Baby Blue supporters wear on there heads is that the substitute for the small single horn 🙂

  • 82

    Wie het lus om Luke se poephol te soen…..kom, kom nou, julle laaste kans…..
    Vat hom Flaffie!
    Oubaas se honne…..waar is ou Boerboel?
    Skiet hom innie hol, pa willie vel he, hehehehehehe!

  • 83

    #77 😆 😆 😆

  • 84

    Hi trips, bloody hell GBS put my insult back you ninny it was a classic and true.

  • 85

    boompieninny hugsssssssssssssssssss mwah mwah and mwahhhhhhhhhhh hiyas hun hope you are doing well??

    eish atlast i have someone on my side lol

  • 86

    #82 hallloooooooooo pietman, kuier jy lekker in deepest darkest afrika?

  • 87

    Pietman…ek kon nog nie verstaan wat oor jou lewer geloop het dat jy nie ‘n WP man is nie…waar het jy dan grootgeword?…

  • 88

    pietaaaaaaaaaaaa dag boet jou damn semel saad van broke back wat a blou trill is ^5

  • 89

    82@ Pietiepedia – Is jou ogies nou al weer groter as skrefiesogies… julle maak seker net musiek en suip Nam leeg…

  • 90

    gbs be nice to ninny lol

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