We decided that there is such a lot of pent up frustration from rugby supporters of every other team, except of course the Bulls, that a channel is needed to blow off some steam.

Well, this is your opportunity…. with a difference…

The rules are simple, here they are, they have to be adhered to in EVERY post:

  • Your comment must be of an INSULTING NATURE
  • You may not insult other bloggers FAMILY MEMBERS
  • You may NOT GET ANGRY
  • Be EXTREMELY careful with player insults, this site does not take responsibility for what you say here about players

Penalties for not conforming with the rules will be severe and be metered out by the WEBMONSTERS here… punishments might include a public flogging, a “STRAFDOP”, a PK, a severe tongue-lashing, banishment back to Mordor and Voldy for a week…. this is serious shit!!

Gooooooooooi mieliessssssss, you lot of insufferable, scum-sucking, nipple-nosed muppits & moepels & mopkoppe…. none of you deserve to be RUGBY SUPPORTERS if you do not participate here!

PS! Your participation is on a voluntary basis…. hehehe

239 Responses to Fight Club – get it out of your system

  • 31

    lol immmmmmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack nou begin die poefies 😆

    joost the dulls idol 😯 klomp blerrie melk koeie

  • 32

    hy bad dan elke dag KP………… 🙂

  • 33

    lol KP good one hehehe

  • 34

    #31 at least we can SPELL BULLS….dulls??? Bwaaaahahahahaha

  • 35

    hey im eating hands are full so i got an excuse lol

  • 36

    Jis julle klomp armsalige rugby supporters wat almal eintlik closet WP mense is!…Jule wil so graag innie Kaap bly nou kak julle maar ons rugby span uit!…

  • 37

    #35 that is the problem with you sardine supporters, full of excuses, just accept it, your team wishes they could play like the “dulls”

  • 38

    so tripplets ?? you lost ur tottie???

    was it for 1rand 40??

    eish losing totties ? must be a bulls thing hehehe

  • 39

    #36 Nee wat Polla, daai berg doen dit nie vir my nie!!!! die weer ook nie……..en o wee, ek vir problems skree? NEVER

  • 40

    #38 just a pty your mom picked it up…..now you’ve got it and its 2nd hand!!!!

  • 41

    36@ Polla – Daar word die mense van Slaapstad ook uiteindelik wakker…. stadige lot moermengsels wattie rugby kan speel om julle lewens te red nie!

  • 42

    #41 dis omdat hulle die hele tyd vir die blerrie berg met sy tafeldoek oor kyk….mens sou sweer hulle eht dit nog nooit gesien nie….

  • 43

    Chokers_forever het alweer verdwyn………Hmmmmmmmm dis hoekom hulle altyd choke……quit voordat hulle die fight verloor

  • 44

    # 40 trippy lol so ur 2nd hand huh???

    :p: blerrie blou bul tannie

  • 45

    Ek kry julle Tswane mense maar baie jammer…shame julle het net Loftus om na toe te gaan..dis hoekom julle so rugby-bedonnerd is!..Ons WP manne het darem bietjie meer afleidings!…lol

  • 46

    ek is hier sister meet the blister lol

    ek wonder hoeveel van sy blou bul span maats het joost gespyker???


  • 47

    eish polla die kaap is soos n baba…

    as hy nie nat is nie is hy vol winde 😆

  • 48

    #44 Nooooo, it was first hand, lost it, your mom picked it up and now you are sitting with a 2nd hand one!!!! 😆

    Blerrie sardien mannetjie

  • 49

    #46 😆

    #47 😆

    #45 Polla dis hoekom julle nie bekers het nie, julle raak gesidetrack en is bergbef*k

  • 50

    46@ Tjarky_The_Choker – Seker almal wat WP toe, Lions toe en Tjarks toe is… Bulle het hulle eintlik uitgeskop…

  • 51

    47@ Tjarky – of andersings wil hulle net kots of in hulle doeke bollie

  • 52

    Dis wat julle armsalige siele nie kan verstaan nie!….Bekers beteken nokkol!…Ons laaik net daai streeptrui!….Die berg het ook nokkol daarmee te doen…hy’s net plat..amper soos Tswane se mense!…

  • 53

    #51 BWaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha klomp kotskoppe

  • 54

    lol trudie?? daar is geen bulls sharks toe nie ffs ons het ons trots jy weet 🙄 😆

  • 55

    52@ Polla – Moenie worry nie, koffiebekers is ook bekers…. was Ricky nou al gearresteer of Hof toe?

  • 56

    #52 ek het gesien hoe smag die wp na die bloubulle se trui, het jy gesien in watse hempies het hulle rondgehardloop voor die game, presies bloubul kleur en alles, al verskil was dit het so ‘n lelike disa opgehad…….

  • 57

    56@ Tripples – Die Disa is ‘n onkruid….

  • 58

    #52..Ek weet nie…Hoop hy is weg Bulls toe!…Hier is ‘n regte Capie uitkak vir julle!…
    Djille ammal se ma’s se P…ste!….lol

  • 59

    sien sharks spelers is goeie mense

    bulls se spelers eish ?? joost en n paar ander

    wp ?? mechanic?? eish january en puke

    bliksem its nice to be a sharky 😆

  • 60

    😆 po;;a no one swears better than a drunk capie coloured hehehehehe

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