We decided that there is such a lot of pent up frustration from rugby supporters of every other team, except of course the Bulls, that a channel is needed to blow off some steam.

Well, this is your opportunity…. with a difference…

The rules are simple, here they are, they have to be adhered to in EVERY post:

  • Your comment must be of an INSULTING NATURE
  • You may not insult other bloggers FAMILY MEMBERS
  • You may NOT GET ANGRY
  • Be EXTREMELY careful with player insults, this site does not take responsibility for what you say here about players

Penalties for not conforming with the rules will be severe and be metered out by the WEBMONSTERS here… punishments might include a public flogging, a “STRAFDOP”, a PK, a severe tongue-lashing, banishment back to Mordor and Voldy for a week…. this is serious shit!!

Gooooooooooi mieliessssssss, you lot of insufferable, scum-sucking, nipple-nosed muppits & moepels & mopkoppe…. none of you deserve to be RUGBY SUPPORTERS if you do not participate here!

PS! Your participation is on a voluntary basis…. hehehe

239 Responses to Fight Club – get it out of your system

1 2 3 8
  • 1

    Bulls are always FIRST !!

    Hello you lot of mongrils!

    Bet you idiots are envious of the Bulls…. pity you did not have enough brains to support the Bulls!

  • 2


    Bulls is die BESTE!!!! ander spanne SUIG!!!

  • 3

    2@ Tripples – Nou waar de flok is jou insult… dis net die waarheid gewees…. strafdop vir jou !

    Jy is nou net so dom soos die donnerse WIEPIEnouweers, sleg lot blikskottels daai wat has-been spelers koop!

  • 4

    tripplets??? kom wys ons hoe daar gesuig word 😆

  • 5

    these posts suck bwhahahahaaaaa

  • 6

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good morning tripplets 😆

  • 7

    trust a woman to bring sucking into the subject 😯

  • 8

    die blou trille is soos a vrot steak, kyk vir kom and gee hom vir die gatvliee 😆

  • 9

    moerskonde het weggehardloop 😆

  • 10

    4-9@ Tjarkie_die_moegoe – Wat de fokkkkkkkk verstaan jy nie, dom Ingelsman, there are 4 rules, and your freegin comments have to conform to ALL 4, at the same time!

    Shithead, farking Tjark…. you are just as dof as Straueli… at the sharks…. or was he just dof-looking when he played..

    Your punishment, 4 chops with a light axe on the zaber…. go do it NOW!!

  • 11

    Sukkel met ons Internet hier, nounet mail gekry van IT, problems…..nes die blerrie wp, net problems waar jy kyk……

    hallo jou flippen sardientjie……

  • 12



  • 13

    Ooooo GBS so ek mag nie sê

    Sardientjie, jou ma se ….. nie? 🙂

    Daar is net een span en dis die blou span, die anner spanne is useless, pateties en hardloop agteruit ipv vorentoe, almal ‘n klomp ice cream kinners

  • 14

    omg atleast we dont have danville berni strydom 😆 and a blond bimbo at 12 bwhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • 15

    tripplets waar se jy daarvan??? 😆

  • 16

    dat jou ( , Y , ) so laag hang

  • 17

    watch that blond bimbo score tries you useless prick ..hehe
    better than Adi knock-on Jacobs, or Adi-pass the ball to the linesman – Jacobs

  • 18

    sorry tripps hun i couldnt resist , i am sitting here laughing at a mointor now 😆 go figure

  • 19

    waarvan? dat jou ballas so laag hang?

  • 20

    lol tripps actulay of late he dont even pass , he cant find the ball 😆

  • 21

    scroll up trippy lol i already showed ya on posting 16 😆

  • 22

    #16 ek sukkel om my soos ‘n dame te gedra, sies dis unfair!!!!!

    Dink in elkgeval my tottie het in my ma se maag afgeval!!!!!

  • 23

    Fark, PUMA will take a lot of punishment on here…. he is too decent to be able to conform to all 4 rules…

    … or is it that he is just a dof Sharks supporter….. pilfering & pathetic poaching pariahs… who choke !!

  • 24

    #21 hahahaha I saw man……..it onluy showed after I pressed submit!!!!!

  • 25

    #23 BWaaaaaaaahahahahahaha CHOKERS!!!!!!!

    Sharky change your name to Chokers_forever!!! thats such a true statement to make, the only way the chokers will reach greatness is if they buty the WHOLE ENTIRE BULLS UNIT, from u19 straight through

  • 26

    buty = buy….eish

  • 27

    PUMA sal dit nooit maak nie, shame

  • 28

    Chokers_Forever is ‘n bang gat!!!!! het nou skoon disappear

  • 30

    Weet iemand al hoe lank dit gaan vat voor Spies weer skoon is?

1 2 3 8

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