We have enabled MobilePress for this wonderful web site of ours! Cell Phone Users… this is for YOU!
Give us feedback here on how it works for you… let’s test it together and iron out the little flaws it might present, if any.
We have enabled MobilePress for this wonderful web site of ours! Cell Phone Users… this is for YOU!
Give us feedback here on how it works for you… let’s test it together and iron out the little flaws it might present, if any.
What on earth are you talking about……what is ‘Mobile Press’? :nerd:
Nou is da iets om te doen as jy in traffic sit. Danki GBS.
Die anner fout is dat die reply steeds nie werk nie :-((
@KingPaul – WP ouens kan mos nie so sukkel nie? Los dit vir die Bulle en veral die Lions.
Ek kan heen en weer, op en af en oral gaan en comments maak, net die reply button wat nie werk, maar dit is oorkombaar.
@carol – Hallo Carol!
Mobile is a cell phone!
Jokes aside, we blog on our cell phones using a watered down version of WordPress.
Do you guys know what ‘Mobile Press’ is then?
How have I survived without it? :wilt:
@Boerboel – How do you read what eveyone has said?
30@KingPaul – Koningkie, try gou weer my ou vet vrind…. hehehe
@carol – Just like we read on the blog. Try it with your cell phone, works like a charm for me.
37@carol – MobilePress is making R-T friendly for Cellphone bloggers…
@KingPaul – Is jy reg vir volgende naweek wat 4man hier is?
nou wat nou?
nee GBS, nou loop hy mooi!
boerboel, ek is hier, sal dop vat saam met julle manne!
Hy loop nou, maar elke keer as ek klaar gecomment het, dan gaan hy terug na die top of page en gee net die artikel. Vra my dan of ek wil view of comment. Maar dis die minste van my probleme. Hoe is dit moontlik dat ek op albei my pc en selfoon aangelog kan wees, of is dit maar hoe die balle hang?
Gou oor iets anders gesels waaroor ek nogal windgat vanaand is, en dit is die Cape Cobras se goeie wen oor die Chalengers. Ek verstaan net nie hoekom JP Duminey nie so kon kolf teen daai f@kken windgat Engelsmanne nie?
kp jou pasword is geldig op altwee dis die selle as om op n ander rek op te log
@grootblousmile – So what number do you dial?
The Cape Cobras beat the Royal Challengers Bangalore and nobody gave them a chance, but as a loyal supporter I did and therefore reaped the rewards on SuperBru. This is loyalty rewarded.
46@KingPaul – Jy kan gelyk aangelog wees, no problem !
49@carol – Hehehehe
You don’t dial a number…. your Cellphone either has or does not have Internet capabilities….
I apologise, I had to laugh…. I’ll give you a kiss if you forgive me….
@grootblousmile – 46
Lekker, so as hier niemand anders is nie kan ek my foon in die kamer los en my laptop in die tv kamer en dan lekker met myself gesels. Met die rondharlopery kan ek dalk so ‘n paar kilos ook afskud!!
Sit juis nou hier en smul aan lekker vanilla roomys met kondensmelk oor! njam njam njam
hi carol use your phone brouser and just go to http://www.rugby-talk.com and log on and you are set
@grootblousmile – Oh, I am snookered then….yip, forgiven, plant one right here … :-*
53@KingPaul – Jaaaaaaaa Koningkie… hehehe
@smallies72 – I think I am stuck with texting!! It is my work phone so they get to pay!! 😀
55@carol – :kiss:
@grootblousmile – 58 – Better stop there!! Heheheheh
KingPaul, by the way, R-T’s been Accredited with WP Rugby Union, you are one of our 2 lucky Press Representatives for Newlands…..
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