Good Orange and Blue Monday morning to the boys and gals of the Rugby-Talk fraternity.

Semi’s has come and gone that left half the country in mourn and the other shouting from the rooftops, none harder than here on Rugby-Talk I see.

As you know I had the privilege of attending the WP/Bulls semi final as a guest of WP Rugby Union. I think it is in good order to publicly thank the likes of Malcolm Dumphreys and Hans Vonk for the invitation and Rugby-Talk wishes to think that this is the start of a long relationship with Western Province Rugby Union.

I hope you guys enjoyed the accurate and direct approach we took in publishing the whole news conference word by word. Please read the “From the Newlands Press Room” threads.

You will see that I, on behalf of Rugby-Talk also got a few questions in. This morning I heard over local news and talk radio show, 567 Cape Talk, that the answer to one of my questions was broadcast.

I am not aware of any other website that is taking this direct approach. With this direct approach, we wish to stimulate our readers’ own rugby brains and hopefully forming their own opinions. We would like our bloggers to not argue opinionated reporter’s columns, as is often found in news papers and other electronic media.

Enough with the serious shop-stuff.

As you might have read on the 2 “From the Newlands Press Room” threads, I have a little surprise for you guys.

I had a little chat with Luke Watson after the press conference and explained to him about our newly formed website. He kindly agreed to sign a WP team picture poster with the words:

“ To:
From: Luke Watson”

So there you have it folks. Rugby-Talk’s first memorabilia signed by Luke Watson!

I can see the likes of Supa, Superbul and Pietman jumping up and down with excitement.

The piece belongs to Rugby Talk and will be send to our Webmonster, who will decide to whom this Priceless piece will go, no doubt in the form of a competition of sorts. (A Photo of the Poster will be sent to our Webmonster to include on such Competition).

The signed Poster will surely be one of the last signed pieces of Luke Watson before leaving our shores!

Well done, and good luck to the Cheetahs and Bull supporters with the final in 2 weeks time.

35 Responses to Isigidi’s Newlands Experience – a final word

  • 1

    Nuwe Jan

  • 2

    Makesme proud to be here! Thanks Isi!!!

  • 3

    Mmmmmmmm, what shall we do with the signed WP Team Poster?

    Come on guys, let the ideas roll in!

  • 4

    Shot Isi, well done.

  • 5

    Thanks Isi for you feedback. Not sure wehter you wrote it word-for-word because you cant think of you own words or just because you wanted to! hehe
    Kidding, I prefer the word, for word stuff, hopefully it will be done like that in the future as well.
    As for the Luke poster, why dont you have it for all the hard work you did?

  • 6

    @Supa Die Bloubul

    Hard work…

    Hehehehe 🙂

  • 7

    Great work Isi

    And kudos to Luke Watson.

  • 8


    Just trying to get him to take the Luke Watson poster himself…dont want anyone mailing it to me!! 🙂

  • 9

    Dié slot (Viv) meen vrot lynstaanspel deur die Westelike Provinsie, eerder as daardie laaste hoogvat deur Sireli Naqelevuki, het die Bulle die kans gegee om die wedstryd in die laaste minute te beklink.

    “Ons het twee lynstaanballe gewen wat ons kans gegee het om weer momentum te kry en in hul gebied te kom.

    “Die een ingooi was vrot en die ander was op die verkeerde plek en ons kon dit gaps.”

    Volgens Matfield het hy ’n paar keuses oorweeg voordat besluit is Morné Steyn moet aanlê pale toe.

    “Fourie (du Preez) wou ’n tikskoppie waag om dalk nog tien treë te wen en ek het gedink aan ’n aanvallende lynstaan. Maar Morné was seker dit is binne sy vermoë en ek het nie getwyfel om die bal vir hom te gee nie.”

    Matfield het die WP geloof vir sy bydrae tot die skouspel.

    “Hulle het dit beslis moeilik gemaak vir ons. Dit was ’n harde een wat ons moes deurtrek, maar dit is een ding wat hierdie span beslis het en dit is wilskrag.”

    Die Bulle se breier, Frans Ludeke, het ook erken dit was naelskraap.

    “In die laaste 15, 20 minute het die momentum beslis na hul kant toe begin swaai. Hulle het begin om ons balle af te neem en die regte rugby op die regte tye te speel.

    Daardie laaste twee lynstane het ons egter die kans gegee wat ons nodig gehad het.”

  • 10

    Netjiese werk Isigidi. Ek hoop jy het die botter dik gesmeer vir volgende jaar se S14?

  • 11

    @KingPaul – Ek het Malcolm Dumphreys van WP Unie gebel om dankie te sê… hy sê dit was ‘n plesier om ons daar te hê… ons shares is darem nog in plek en Isigidi het nie skade gemaak nie…


  • 12


    Alles wat Isi opgebou het, gaan KP weer afbreek met die volgende game.

  • 13

    12@Supa Die Bloubul – Flok, dink jy hy sal AA (Alkoholiste Annoniem) toe gaan vir ons sodat ons hom nugter in die Press Box kan kry?

  • 14

    @grootblousmile – Nee wat, klaar besluit van hier af werk en en Isigidi as ‘n span. Hy doen die ondehoude en ek neem die fotos en suip die losie se drank uit!

  • 15


    Jy sal mooi inpas.

  • 16

    14@KingPaul – Met ander woorde Isigidi doen die vuilwerk en jy “Network” vir ons….

    Kan werk….

  • 17


    Jy moet darem een keer n paar vrae gaan vra daar?
    Kingpaul, reporting live from Newlands, Cape Town!

  • 18


    Ek het dieselfde werk!

  • 19

    @Supa Die Bloubul – hehehe, moenie worry nie, ek sal die ou wees wat al daai ongemaklike vrae vra? En ek sal natuurlik daarop aandring om met die ref ook ‘n onderhoud na elke game te doen!

  • 20

    19@KingPaul – Jy sal maar Afrikaans moet praat…. want jou Ingels is vrot…. hehehe

  • 21

    @grootblousmile – Morne kan vir my vertaal. Bwahahaha!
    Sien al hoe is RT se media span meer as Mnet s’n! Isigidi wat die onderhoude doen, ek wat fotos neem, Morne wat my vrae moet vertaal, ex-player wat die coolbag met verversings moet dra en dan kan ons nog assistente vir elkeen van ons!!

  • 22


    hehehe…dink egter Naka gaan dalk voor jou by die ref wees…hehe

  • 23

    @Supa Die Bloubul

    Naka suip ook meer as die media mense in die pers konferensies!

  • 24


    Naka en Paul kan dalk net beste vriende word. Altwee kan saam suip en dan die ref gaan soek! hehe

  • 25

    Looks like nobody’s interested in Luke’s signed poster…

    Makes me think back to a golf day which Supa and I attended 2 years ago, where Tappe Henning and Andre Watson also played and where these 2 Refs were the Auctioneers at the evening function.

    There was lots of memorabilia, Box-framed Springbok world cup signed shirt, Box-framed Bulls 2007 winning Super 14 signed shirt, Box-framed Richie McCaw Crusaders signed Super 14 shirt, Box-framed Lions Super 14 signed shirt, lots of signed bottles of wine…. and also a Luke Watson-signed STORMERS 2007 cap.

    The Bokke shirt and the Bulls shirt went for well over R 30 000.00 each if I recall correctly…. Supa got the Richie McCaw shirt…

    All memorabilia went for exceptional amounts…. all except one…

    When it came to Luke’s cap, there were no takers…. none… so they sweetened the deal by bundling some wine with it…. and it fetched R 100.00 if I remember correctly.

    Sad really…

  • 26

    25@grootblousmile – ek dink GBS kan die foto teken namens RT en na die ‘dark side’ stuur as geskenk, net om te wys watter vriendelike vreedsame ouens ons hier is.

  • 27


    Correct GBS. I got the Richie Mccaw jersey for R8000 I think. The Bulls s14 jersey went for exactly R36 100.
    hehe…ja the Luke Cap wasnt really populer.
    I remember the previous year my Schalk Burger cap went for a R1000!

  • 29


    Surely someone will take it? Where are the Luke fans like Karen, Boerboel etc? Im sure they’d want it.

  • 30

    Ek soek daai poster. Ek het hom in 2006 verdedig toe hy Players player of the year was en ek het saterdag die geel cap gekry in ons poel. Myne.

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