WP will face the Leopards, Boland and possibly the Lions without ironman Schalk Burger.
The departure of Chris Jack and the injuries to Fondse and Van Zyl, has come at an unfortunate time in view of other teams being bolstered by their returning Boks. The tight five that have shocked a few arch enemies and their supporters who vocally love to hate anything south of the Hex River valley, may find it more difficult to impose themselves to the same extent that they muted the noise levels of Loftus and ABSA stadium earlier this season.
The medical news on Burger is that his ribs are still severely swollen and tender after his injury in the 67th minute of SA’s Tri Nations win against NZ last Saturday.
To make matters worse for the resurgent WP outfit, the injuries to Willem de Waal, Fondse and Newman have been confirmed as long term, which means they will not play any further part this season. Andries Bekker is still on the mend and will also miss Friday’s excursion to Potchefstroom.
The substantial vacuum left by Jean de Villiers will also be felt, but fortunately Juan de Jong has shown huge potential in midfield, and his pairing with Frikkie Welsh looked sharp and attacked with pace against the Cheetahs last weekend.
Ricky January will be rested this weekend. Allister Coetzee did not elaborate on what the cause of his fatigue was. It is doubtful whether his current form can justify displacement of the incumbent Dewaldt Duvenhage.
De Kock Steenkamp will fill the void left by Chris Jack in the engine room, and Tiaan Liebenberg will join Hilton Lobberts on the bench.
“We wanted to keep that continuity going,” Coetzee said at the media conference on Tuesday.
“Making a lot of changes at this stage can be disruptive. We are definitely looking to consolidate”
This where the rubber hits the road, and where the walk should be walked, and the talk be left to those who mask their fear by making snide comments about the shadows as they walk down a dark alley.
50 Fender
Actually I’m not running, I have to work in between, don’t you have a job?
You ASKED why people don’t like the WP supporters. I gave you a few reasons that I’ve heard but you seem to not like the answers. Then don’t ask mate. Now what would you say are the reasons that people dislike them?
About the patriotic issue:
Some of the supporters of other provinces ptobably does support against the Stormers. You just find it a lot more in the Cape. I have never seen Bulls/Lions etc supporters pull on AB jerseys and support the Blacks against the Boks at Ellis Park or Loftus, but maybe they are out there. Who knows? But they are definitely at Newlands.
Anyway, RT seems to have all the nice supporters from all the Provinces and I hope it stays this way. Especially SAB seems kinda nice! 😉
51@Treehugger –
I know exactly what you mean, I was on there for 5 years…eish!
56@Loosehead –
We are here to entertain you loosehead!
@Polla –
Jammer om te hoor van Mnr Pollie.
Slim man gewees, destyds het ons ander ouens maar fckol geweet van computers en budgets. Mnr Pollard het n IBM 38 op sy vloer gehad so groot soos Nuweland se hoofpawiljoen, en Mnr P se kop het net-net- uitgesteek by al die print-outs….daai masjien het papiere uitgeskop wat net hy kon lees.
Ek moes soek waar die sigaretrook uitkom om te weet waar sy stoel is!
Wanneer is hy oorlede?
Ek moet Ewald laat weet, hy en oom Pollie was groot pelle, altyd saam atletiek toe gegaan met die uurbyeenkomste.
@Supa Die Bloubul – How would you know if they were not bulls or lions supporters Supa?…The fact that they watch rugby at Newlands is no proof that they are WP supporters at first. Have there never been anyone with an AB or Wallaby jersey at Loftus or Ellispark?…just asking coz I have seen plenty of AB jerseys on Loftus as well!…Or are you making this a race issue?
88@The-Pill –
nee nie eintlik nie
hierdie is maar net die bymekaarkomplek van allie werkloses en oek allie willie-werkers
soe o’s voelie soe yt soes o’s daa’ aanerkant gevoelittie!!
daais nou behalwe as staal hier is wat ñ bugatti veyron besit
en gbs met sy ferari
en pietman met sy aston martin
en …
en allie ander blinkjanne met hulle blinkkarre!!
@Pietman – Hy is al ‘n hele paar jaar terug oorlede Pietman. Meer as 10 as ek dit nie mis het nie.
Ek ondersteun die Bulle nou al vir 23 jaar.
Guess dit maak my player 23?
98@The-Pill –
dit maak jou dom!
@Ashley – Lyk my ek val in die Willie-Werk kategorie!
Ma dissie belangrik hier nie. Hier tel dit net wat jy tussen die ore het.
Ongelukkig is hier n paar WP supporters, maar ons sal maar ane pad kyk. 😆
@Ashley – Skerp enetjie daar Ashley….
@Polla – Skerp maar totaal onvanpas 👿
@Ashley – hehehe…al vir 23 jaar lank
middag almal, ek is nou op daai willie werki stage van die dag, nou lyk ek net besig om tyd om te kry…….
@Ashley – So alle wenners is dom?
105@The-Pill –
nee alle bulle is dom!
@Ashley – ek ondersteun die leeus al van voor my geboorte af. Altyd saam my pa Ellispark toe gegaan 🙄
My ou koshuis kamermaat op Maties was ‘n stoere Blou Bul ondersteuner. Ons het 3 jaar lank ‘n kamer gedeel. Gelukkig vir my was dit in die goeie vroee 80’s toe WP die CC so op ‘n streep gewen het.
@K9-MonsterLeeu –
in sy kuite
innie peanuts pakkie?
@Ashley – En alle WP, shit julle heti eers n cool naam nie, is skeef. Seker die wind wat julle so waai.
@Polla –
Was seker Tacitus gewees, jou kamermaat….?
@K9-MonsterLeeu – Klink ma na n sad storie….
Sien die BB het Hougaard op buitesenter gekies. Die BB het nou ook hul eie Ruan Pienaar !
@Ashley – ek wetie. Was donker maar kon alles hoor.
110@The-Pill –
o’s singie vi’ mekaar “liefling” nie!!
@Tripples – Bietjie sensitief is ons nie…Liewe genade, kan die arme man nie eens ‘n grappie maak nie!
@bdb – as ek hy is waai ek. Hys ‘n skrummie en klaar
@bdb – Ma is Pistorius nie beseer nie? Wat n k@k koop was dit nie.
Sal hulle leer om n Leeu n kontrak aan te bied. Maar Habana maak darem op daarvoor.
Dis seker hoekom die Leeus ons so haat. Hulle het Habana verloor.
115 @Ashley – Jy kwaad omdat Januarie terug is in die Kaap ? 😉
@K9-MonsterLeeu – daar is so baie scrummies waar gaan hy span kry selfs die WP het nou nie plek vir hom nie…
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