The Vodacom Blue Bulls’ prop Werner Kruger as well as their centre Wynand Olivier have picked up injuries against the Boland Cavaliers in Wellington on Saturday.

Werner Kruger © Gallo Images

Curtecy Blue Bulls Official web site.

Kruger had to leave the field in the first half due to a rib injury and Olivier struggled with an ankle, but Dr Org Strauss is optimistic that both will recover in time for Saturday’s clash at Loftus Versfeld against the Free State Cheetahs.

Olivier’s Springbok team mate, Bakkies Botha, will definitely not be able to play against the Cheetahs and Bryan Habana is currently on his honeymoon and is therefore also not available but there is a slight chance that Fourie du Preez might be eligible.

Dr Strauss said on Saturday night that Du Preez’s chances are 50/50 and a call will only be made later the week.

The rest of the Bulls who toured with the Springboks in Australasia will join up with the squad on Monday. That includes guys like Pierre Spies, Victor Matfield, Danie Rossouw and Morné Steyn.

502 Responses to Blue Bulls injury update

  • 391

    Off to get a coffee back in 10 min.

  • 392

    Grootblou kyk jy TV?

  • 393

    @Boerboel – 390

    Yes it was good last night Boerboel. Thanks for sticking up for our captain. Respect boet. John has only being playing TH this year really. Needs another year and think we will be sorted there. We need him in the team. End of story.

    I also blog both sides have some good friends there and mostly just talk rugby there sometimes a bit of other stuff.

    Now off to get my coffee otherwise it will be cold..haha.

  • 394

    @Ed_the_Lion – 389
    As ek hom so luister kan ek sien hoekom die spelers vir hom opkom. Hy is n goeie span man. Ek kry baie respek vir hom.

  • 396

    Nouja, paar comments dan gaan ek inkruip..

    My 1ste afspraak in Pretoorsdorp is reeds 9:30…

  • 397

    @Puma – 387 – So you are tall and lean like a greyhound!! 😆

    As for the Voldy fighting, I too was getting drawn in, it was all very well for Soda and Grant saying ignore the name throwers, it is difficult to walk sometimes!! I did not like that side of me…….so like Boerboel, I find it is good to choose when to visit the other lads!

  • 398

    @grootblousmile – What are you up to to tonight?

  • 399

    @grootblousmile – 396

    Me too GBS going to have a early night.

    Just going to drink my decafe coffee then log off.

    Still thinking how we going to predict the cricket tomorrow. Not knowing who will bat first.

    Why don’t you play SuperBru with the cricket or are you just not into cricket? Its my 2nd favourite sport.

  • 400

    @Boerboel – Last night was a laugh again….good to catch up!
    You know I didn’t relise just how fond I had become of old Smitty until he gets some stick and I feel quite defensive!

  • 401

    399@Puma – Cricket, with all that is going on here and in my life… is just not going to work.

    I will not be watching even half the matches, so guessing is out the question…

    If you saw my daily schedule, you would understand… I need to take it easier…

  • 402

    393@Puma – Just made a cup of decaf Ciro coffee myself. If caffienated I would never sleep tonight. I am George in a hotel, have to work here for a few days.

  • 403

    @carol – 397

    I got drawn in too Carol. Some of the stuff that went on there was really horrible. Not for me really. Now when I blog there if that happens really do ignore it. Only mostly talk rugby there a bit of other stuff but mostly rugby.

    I do enjoy speaking quite a few there. We have a choice so its all good. The thing that I like here is no-one ever tells you not to blog there. Its like live and let live. I like that. They do seem to mind of there a bit. I don’t care really. The ones I talk to don’t mind at all.

  • 404

    @Boerboel – I only ever drink Decafe Boerboel otherwise I wont sleep either. Otherwise if its tea I only ever drink Rooibos. Have done for 30 years now. Even when I lived in Holland my sister used to send it to me. Those days you could not get it there.

    I love George such a beautiful part of our country. Have not been there for many, many years now. Enjoy it.

  • 405

    Folks, that’s me for the night…. early morning awaits.

    Goeie nag, slaap sag !

    Die lewe is ‘n Lied, sing hom uit volle bors !

  • 406

    @Boerboel – Nice mug of peppermint tea on the go….!!
    The new contract….how is it going?

  • 407

    @grootblousmile – 401

    Well its going to be guessing as we wont know who is going to bat first and we have to predict who wins by how many runs or wickets. You need to know who bats first to predict runs or wickets. Otherwise we may only get a score on the win if we predicted the win on wickets and we won by runs. Well you know….hahaha.

    Its my first time on SuperBru so it should be good. I am never ever good at things like this so hope I don’t mess the pool up…LOL.

  • 408

    @grootblousmile – Ag skattebol, yu ook – slap rustig!! (I hope that makes sense)!!

  • 409

    @grootblousmile – 405

    Good night GBS. Sleep well boet. You sound very tired. Need to slow down a bit. Take a holiday.

  • 410

    Guys and girl i like Peter. He is honest , he is open and clever. When Breyten asked him who will be in the semi finals he said the Sharks and the Bulls will play in the final. Breyten then asked WP/ he only said huh. That is a man who knows what his 10 Bulls and more than 10 Sharks are worth.

  • 411

    408@carol – Nag my vriendin…

    You guys must worry less about me…. I am GBS…

  • 412

    @carol – 406

    Peppermint tea Carol? How do you drink that? Get onto the Rooibos. Its healthy.

  • 413

    @grootblousmile – 411

    Slaap sag ou maat.

  • 414

    @Puma – 407
    You will learn quickly, wicket wins almost every time around 5, runs is a gamble just use your imagination. Like SA will score 250 and Sri Lanka less.

    No sorry i dont have a idea, but you will see its not so difficult, just do it

  • 415

    @superBul – 410

    Yes he is. Well Super I have been saying that since the start of the CC. Its going to be a Bulls/Sharks final. Has to be. Now with our Boks back both teams should be too strong for any other. Bulls will now pull up in the log and probably face WP in the semi. Bulls will win that and will face Sharks in the final at the tank once again 😀

    LOVE Bulls/Sharks games. Nothing better in domestic rugby anywhere in the world. The very best to watch. Its like a test.

  • 416

    @superBul – Where is S.A.B when WP needs him to stand up for them?

  • 417

    Good night GBS.

  • 418

    @Puma – Puma, wait for the Lions to get Springboks back!! 😆
    soon to be, but all injured..Heinke vd Merwe, Louis Ludik, Jano Vermaak and Willem Alberts.

  • 419

    @grootblousmile – 411- Huh, you don’t make it easy!! 😐

  • 420

    @superBul – 414

    Never played SuperBru before so not sure if we play as a team and if that is the case I could let the whole pool down…haha. I am useless at guessing.

    I think SA going to win and if we bat first then we will win on runs. So its going to be tough to predict runs or wickets. Maybe a win but if we knew who was batting first it would be easier. I suppose it makes it more exciting.

    I will do mine tomorrow. Was going to do it straight away then thought just have a think about it first. Because of not knowing who will bat first.

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