August 17 2009 at 06:20AM
By Ashfak Mohamed

Springbok wing Bryan Habana will be flying into Cape Town on Monday to meet Western Province senior professional coach Rassie Erasmus about a possible move to WP.

Habana’s father and agent Bernie told the Cape Times on Sunday night that his son would be meeting Erasmus and he would be seeing WP Rugby managing director Rob Wagner on Monday. Habana’s contract with the Blue Bulls ends on October 31 this year and he has yet to decide where he will play his rugby next year. “We have not received an offer from Western Province,” Bernie Habana said. “We are flying to Cape Town tomorrow morning. Bryan will be meeting Rassie and I will meet Rob Wagner.

“We have never offered Bryan’s services to anyone. Rassie phoned me a while back enquiring about Bryan, and this is how tomorrow’s meeting came about. Bryan didn’t even know about Western Province’s interest until today, when I told him we are going to Cape Town. He in fact asked me ‘What for?’ and I told him. So we will see what happens at the meeting tomorrow.”

Bernie Habana said that Bryan met with the Bulls on Sunday. “We met with the Blue Bulls yesterday and had a deep discussion about Bryan’s situation. We have given our price and it is now up to them to make Bryan an offer,” he said.
“The first prize would be for Bryan to stay in South Africa and that is what everyone wants. But he has to make up his mind on what he wants to do.”

Bernie said that his son enjoys coming to Cape Town. “Bryan loves the Cape. He has lots of friends there and has been there on holiday, but it is different when you have to live in a place,” he said. “He also doesn’t want to rush into any decision. He wants to go through all offers before deciding where he wants to play. “That is a good way of doing things. We have also told Bulls coach Frans Ludeke that we are going to Cape Town, so there are no secrets.”


At the moment, WP only have Tonderai Chavhanga and Sireli Naqelevuki as specialist wings.

o This article was originally published on page 24 of Cape Times on August 17, 2009

450 Responses to What is Rassie, Habana meeting about?

  • 61


    Hoor hierdie moegoe op die Bulls site

    “Ek dink self dat Pedri op slot kan werk, sy ervaring is belangrik vir die span, maar nou dat Burger so goed begin speel, kan ons hom nie uitlaat nie.

    As Adams reg is, sal ek vir Hougaard op vleuel speel in Delport se plek, ten minste totdat Akona en/of Mametsa reg is. Zane kan ook vleuel speel, en Tiger op heelagter behou. “

  • 62



  • 63

    58@Pietman – JL1 en Osama Bin OCO is reeds hier…

  • 64

    57 @Loosehead – Korste, dikste en vinnigste stut in die land wat skrummie speel.

  • 65

    Sien julle ouens bietjie later, gou oorskiet kroeg toe, bietjie gaan barman speel….en self n koue vat, warm hier.
    Tjeers manne.

  • 67


    Ek dink nie Ricky is beweeglik genoeg vir n stut nie.

  • 68

    Ja, Osama het my gemail, hy is pas terug van vakansie in SA, vandag begin werk weer.

  • 69

    @bdb – < And he will add the bit of mongrel that has been lacking since Schalk has been suspended.

  • 70

    @Supa Die Bloubul – En ook nie balvaardig genoeg nie.

  • 71

    Excuse me for a while…. work, work, work, work, work… fark, the tills have to roll.

  • 72

    61 @Supa Die Bloubul – hehe

    Wat is jou nick daar, of is dit ‘n geheim ?

  • 73


    Ek post eintlik nooit daar nie. Ek het nou een post gelos na seker 2 jaar. Kiestand.

  • 74

    Weet iemand waar kan ek lekker moderne liedjies download? Limewire het laas n boodskap gegee wat se dis nou net in die US available. Ek het dit altyd gebruik.

  • 75

  • 76

    74@Supa Die Bloubul

    Download hulle Free Program (dink dis nou V0.49c), Install… werk baaaie soos Limewire, net heelwat beter.

  • 77

    Hier is gou ietsie om julle in ‘n goeie luim vir die week te sit!!!

    The coloured boys are pushing and shoving in the tuckshop queue and then the tuckshop teacher hears one of the boys say “jou ma se @#*$”
    She is outraged – and sends him off to the headmaster’s office.
    The headmaster asks him: “So what did you say?”
    Boy: “Nuuthing Meneer”
    Headmaster: “The teacher heard you swearing”
    Boy: “No Meneer”
    Headmaster: “Well, What did you say?”
    Boy: “Meneer – the guys was out of order.. So I jus tol dem ‘you maasen poesh’

  • 78

    Sien die BB het die Sharks nou ‘n groot guns gedoen deur die GW te klop. As Sharks saterdag die GW wen, is hul top op the log, baie goed vir ‘n span wat sonder baie bokke moet speel.

  • 79

    @bdb – The loss to the Bulls will mark the end of the season for the Griqua’s. Their momentum is lost and they just don’t have the team to stand up against the big teams again.

  • 80


    Dankie manne

  • 81

    79@Loosehead – Ons sal saterdag sien of hul kan terughop teen die Sharks. Indien hul daar sleg pak kry, gaan die afdraande pad begin, want die week daarna speel hul die Cheetahs, wat weer goed lyk. Maar, hierdie CB is nog lank, enigiets kan nog gebeur.

  • 82

    The more I think about this article, the more I realise that Habana’s Dad doesn’t give a damn about him. How can he not inform his client [ even if it is his son] that he is negociating with another union?

    What arrogance!

  • 83

    @Loosehead – I agree, think it is just a bridge too far….

  • 84

    @bdb – Ek kan rerig nie sien dat die Cheetahs weer ‘n keer teen die Griekwas sal verloor nie. Na drie of vier keer dat hulle verloor sal hulle seisoen klaar wees.

    I do like it when the underdog wins, and it has been nice to watch the Griekwas.

  • 85

    Ek haat alle Bulls!

    Hallo maters. My komper matjien was stukkend. Nou weer reg.

    Ons soek nie Habs in die WP nie. Nuweland is te klein vir sy ego.

    GBS jy moet ophou ronddonner en maak ons site klaar! I mean, dis nie asof dit aan jou behoort nie! 🙂

  • 86

    I don’t think the Griquas confidence is dented too much.. it took a very gutsy performance from the Bulls to win against a Griquas side who had to end with 13 players on the field..

    That said, if Griquas lose against the Tjarks… and lose solidly, then they will start doubting themselves… one more loss directly after that and they’ll be also-rans.

  • 87

    Looshead I’m seriously worried bout the WP/cheaters game. Cheaters is on the up and my beloved WP have not impressed me much.
    Lions game this weekend also worrying.

  • 88

    85@isigidi – EEN WOORD !!

    Flok !!

  • 89

    @isigidi – Agge nee Isi….haat jy ons dan nou so erg……..

  • 90

    85 @isigidi – die Bulls spelers is gelukkig in Pta. Al hierdie aanbiedings is ‘n gratis geleentheid om so bietjie oor die wêreld en in die Kaap vakansie te gaan hou. Onderhandel so bietjie hier en daar, surf so bietjie, lê op die strand … en gaan dan huistoe en teken weer by die Bulls. 🙂

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