August 17 2009 at 06:20AM
By Ashfak Mohamed
Springbok wing Bryan Habana will be flying into Cape Town on Monday to meet Western Province senior professional coach Rassie Erasmus about a possible move to WP.
Habana’s father and agent Bernie told the Cape Times on Sunday night that his son would be meeting Erasmus and he would be seeing WP Rugby managing director Rob Wagner on Monday. Habana’s contract with the Blue Bulls ends on October 31 this year and he has yet to decide where he will play his rugby next year. “We have not received an offer from Western Province,” Bernie Habana said. “We are flying to Cape Town tomorrow morning. Bryan will be meeting Rassie and I will meet Rob Wagner.
“We have never offered Bryan’s services to anyone. Rassie phoned me a while back enquiring about Bryan, and this is how tomorrow’s meeting came about. Bryan didn’t even know about Western Province’s interest until today, when I told him we are going to Cape Town. He in fact asked me ‘What for?’ and I told him. So we will see what happens at the meeting tomorrow.”
Bernie Habana said that Bryan met with the Bulls on Sunday. “We met with the Blue Bulls yesterday and had a deep discussion about Bryan’s situation. We have given our price and it is now up to them to make Bryan an offer,” he said.
“The first prize would be for Bryan to stay in South Africa and that is what everyone wants. But he has to make up his mind on what he wants to do.”
Bernie said that his son enjoys coming to Cape Town. “Bryan loves the Cape. He has lots of friends there and has been there on holiday, but it is different when you have to live in a place,” he said. “He also doesn’t want to rush into any decision. He wants to go through all offers before deciding where he wants to play. “That is a good way of doing things. We have also told Bulls coach Frans Ludeke that we are going to Cape Town, so there are no secrets.”
At the moment, WP only have Tonderai Chavhanga and Sireli Naqelevuki as specialist wings.
o This article was originally published on page 24 of Cape Times on August 17, 2009
25@AB – Prediction Page ??
Ek neem aan jy verwys na die “League Feature” wat ons gaan hardloop… iets soos ons eie mini-superbru…
Ons sal dit implimenteer met die eersvolgende behoorlike kompetisie, die kompetisies wat nou plaasvind (CC en Tri-Nations) is reeds te vêr gevorder.
@AB – 😆 Rangerman would fit in well here.
Die BBRU moet al die spelers wat se kontrakte einde se kant toe staan, eers vir ‘n ‘n deeglike videosessie vat. Ek stel die volgende 2 video sessies voor:
BB 20 Sharks 19
BB 61 Chiefs 17
Vir Habana kan hul ‘n derde een byvoeg:
Bulle 75 Stormers 14
Ek het gehoor nadat WO laasgenoemde video gekyk het, hy glo nie vinnig genoeg kon teken om by die Bulle te bly nie.
28@AB – As Rangerman maar net geweet het ons het 5 MAAL die comments gegenerate op die Bulls / Kwas game Saterdag…. en amper DUBBELD soveel as Voldy op die Tjarks / Lions game….
… sonder om publiek te gaan….
@grootblousmile – Nee man, die prediction met n paar ou spelers ens
@Loosehead – Agreed!
29@Pietman – Ja, hulle mis ons daar, dis gewis…. maar ek is heeltemal klaar daar !
Ek sien julle soek rangerman , klaar gekry?
Ek het die naweek met hom op email gepraat oor iets in die Londolozi, soek julle nog sy mail addie.
35@AB – Oooooooo, janee, gee my net so 2 dae asseblief, ek wil dringend vandag en môre die advertensiespasie opsit…. dan kan ons daai ouens betrek…
@grootblousmile –
@34 En ek was nie eens op die blog hierdie naweek nie!
@37 Janee kyk, ek ook. Ek is so weg daar soos Bolt in die 100 meter wegspring…
38@superBul – Mail hom en nooi hom.. sê vir hom om dit stil te hou op Voldy… seblief
What would be really nice would be live interviews again. Can we get some ex or current palyers on the site to chat?
42@Loosehead – Definately !!
… but baby steps first… lets’ get the ducks in a row here properly, then go public, then interview those okes…
Other features like a Photo Gallery with nice action pics as well as a video Gallery with great tries and foul-play incidents will be here soon enough as well…. hang in there for us.
It’s amazing how much work has gone into development up to now….
But, we’re getting there, slowly but surely.
@grootblousmile – Yes you guys started it, and now we are rushing you into hard labour, serves you right! 😉
44@AB – Fokkofffff, moenie my jaagie… hehehehe
Will TheTackler be allowd on to the site to correct our spelling mistakes?
@grootblousmile – Its not me,its the users that want to be proud of their new home!! For faaaark sakes!! 😉
Iemand beweer daar op die Bulls site Rassie het R15 miljoen om spelers mee te koop. Ek sal nie verbaas wees nie, die ou koop darem wild en wakker. Hy shop meer as my vrou 😯
Wonder of Rassie nie Jannie Dup ook gaanprobeer koop nie. Hys blykbaar ongelukkig oor sy min game-time
@Supa Die Bloubul – Ek dink dat JannieDuP se spel ‘n bietjie agteruit [excuse the pun] gaan op die oomblik.
46@Loosehead – That one is open for debate… hehehe
What I can tell you is that Lillith, Plattenhoven, Transformation, MK, Namakwaland need not even apply here…
@Loosehead –
Ja Loosehead. SA is maar dun op vaskopstut. Wens ons kon die helfte van ons loosies teruggee en stutte, loskakels en vleuels kry.
@grootblousmile –
Voor ek vergeet, geluk met jou geel kepsie op Superbru !
Wat van SodaJoe, Tacitus en Sharks Lover ?
54@Pietman – O dankie, kry ek toe WEER die geel kepsie…. ek soek ‘n bloue liewer….
@Supa Die Bloubul – As Ricky Januarie stsut toe skuif is al ons probeleme opgelos.
@bdb –
Tacitus is reeds hier, hy le bietjie laag totdat ons ‘public’ gaan.
Paar ander ouens soos JL1 en OCO ‘Bin Seagull’ ook.
CoachPete sal Sodajoe laat weet sodra ons reg is, en Sharks-Lover sal beslis oorhol die oomblik as hy die nuus kry.
55@bdb – Hulle is welkom… so ook Puma, Tighthead en ‘n hele kaboedel ander goeies.
Sou graag ook vir Skim, Andre-WP, Blueblood en nog klomp yster maters wil verwelkom…. ook die destydse serialblogger, Hmmm
@bdb –
Puma ook.
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