Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have advanced very well with DEVELOPMENT of our final Blog.

Still a number of things to sort out, but we are here on the NEW BLOG.

The transfer of USERS to the new location was a bit troublesome, but most of the AUTHORS have been successfully transferred.

It was not so easy to transfer NORMAL SUBSCRIBERS, so most of you will have to do a quick REGISTRATION there, with the same Username and Password.

Our NEW REGISTRATION PROCESS is much more secure and asks a couple more questions… and what’s more, it allows for BANNING / SUSPENSION in case of bad behaviour, so we can easily keep the Trollers away.

New Registration requires VERIFICATION from our side before one is able to comment, simply because it is part and parcel of the screening process to keep trolls out. Between grootblousmile, Ed_The_Lion, Koos & SuperBul we will have a centralised E-MAIL ADDRESS referring all the VERIFICATIONS to us by end of business on Thursday 13 August 2009, making VERIFICATION very quick and efficient.

Not only can we ban E-Mail Addresses but we can ban IP addresses as well and re-direct those we really do not want here to other web addresses, so that they cannot even read our SITE from that IP ADDRESS.


The REPLY Button is already there, but needs a little tweak to include the COMMENT NUMBER… hang in there for us in this regard.

The SIDE WIDGETS, LOGS and LINKS still needs refining, however it was impossible to implement without migrating the FULL CONTENTS of the BLOG first.

We will also send a MAIL to all current subscribers, with exactly the same content as appears in this Post.

Kindly do not expect everything to run seemless during further development, but we should be up and running 99.9% of the time.

Now I need a good, solid sleep…….

We wish you a speedy and uncomplicated transition to the NEW SITE.




306 Responses to Welcome… Finally !!

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  • 151


  • 152

    @K9-MonsterLeeu – Hmm ons almal kan nie ons eie baas wees en onself afgee nie hehehe

  • 153

    150, nie uit nie.

  • 154


  • 155

    @bdb – south coast fever…
    en moenie probeer om iets op ‘n vrydag te laat doen nie….naweke begin op donderdag aand daar

  • 156

    Oraait, sal weer inloer hier naby 200..hehe

    Gaan nou huis toe en sal weer van daar af blog.

  • 157

    151 @Supa Die Bloubul – ek moes ook enetjie kry.

  • 158

    @bdb – nee man bdb, hy is ‘n mede bul….

  • 159

    Geluk. Darem is jy n bul! Maar jy moet die nommer bysit in die toekoms!

  • 160

    @Supa Die Bloubul

    Lekker gerook ..gaan nou werk.

    Eish Supa — kyk nou langs my naam — hou regs — dis hierdie kant>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Sien jy nou `n nommer net voor die blou begin?

    Maar ek sien jy praat van ander nommers — wys jou `n mens kan nie `n behoorlike gesprek met `n BB voer nie…hehehe


  • 161

    147 @ Tripples – Flexityd.

    Nee dit klink goed.

  • 162

    Sien Supa werk ook halfdag.

  • 163

    @K9-MonsterLeeu – seker werk hy ook vir homself, ek werk m os in die kleuterskool julle weet mos die Guvmunt

  • 164

    Looking good guys, congratulations on such a wonderful project coming to fruition.

  • 165

    164@JockBok – I’m rather satisfied so far….

    Not totally happy with the colour schemes and the Header Graphics Image…. and a few things need refinement…

    But it’s there, for us to enjoy !!

  • 166

    Is ek nou weer ingelok? Eish….

  • 167

    GBS – kostes vir ads?

  • 168

    167@Staal – Hel Staal, ek hettie ‘n clue wat ons gaan vra nie, maar dit sal spotgoedkoop wees man……. genuine !

  • 169

    eish nou net daai video gekyk van daai geweld vannie skare ……… wat de hel gaat aan innie land…..

    moer eerlik sê 15 jaar issie genoegie….

  • 170

    GBs – laat weet my as jul besluit het….. dit sal goed wees om die aksie vannie site te sien….sal dan besluit….

  • 171

    @grootblousmile – It sure is, and it’s appreciated. But apart from the Bulls blue shade at the sides, it’s looking excellent mate. I’d suggest a darker blue and white hooped background would look nicer 🙂

    Also, a wee suggestion, perhaps it might be an idea to have a competition to invite entries for the Header Image? Might be interesting to see what people come up with…

  • 172

    170@Staal – Kyk, die Blog is begin met geen WINSMOTIEF in gedagte nie, maar uit die behoefte om ‘n meer verbruikers vriendelike plek te skep as die ander plekke waar ons was….

    As ons egter ‘n klein geldjie kan maak om so nou en dan ‘n prys of 2 uit te loof, paar basiese kostes te dek, dan is dit ‘n bonus.

    So paar rugbykaartjies vir AKTIEWE Berigskrywers hier sal ook nie ‘n sleg idee wees nie…

    Ons kry lyk my klaar amper in Voldy se site se hoeveelheid Comments maar nog duidelik nie daai tipe HITS nie…. maar hel man, ons het nog GLADNIE PUBLIEK gegaan nie…

    …….. so, watch this space…. ons gaan kook broer, en sekere mense gaan GROEN van jaloesie wees….

  • 173

    171@JockBok – Not a bad Idea at all to do a Competition for the Header Image….

    I’ll draw up the relevant sizes and dimentions… and maybe put up the Competition as soon as we have gone PUBLIC !!

    By no means are the SIDEBAR colours finalised…. and it’s very easy to change…. I changed it 4 times this morning already…

    Maybe we should start a Tradition here… something to the effect that the Log-Leaders in the domestic competition going on at the moment, has THEIR COLOURS as SIDEBAR COLOURS….

    So that would mean we would have to go Pou-Blou, to signify Griquas at the moment… and at the end of the season the colours would be Bulls Blue…. when the Bulls win the CC.

  • 174

    ok annagesien ekkie eeste cullert oppie blog is

  • 175

    annagesien moes wees aangesien ….. o’s praat darem nou oekie soe k@kkie!! 😀

  • 176

    Hierdie babablou maak my oë seer. Gebruik dan eerder groen en goud of koningsblou!!

  • 177


    `n stel voortanne 😆

  • 178

    Hi GBS

    Thanks for the approval.

    I like the basic functionality of the site but I think some work needs to be done on the CSS, surely someone you know is a web designer. Take a look at rugbydump for a cool header/banner design. I also think the top nav needs some modernising and I think that you may have too many colours on one page.
    Just my two cents worth, I look forward to the public launch

  • 179

    @ashley – Ek dog jy praat van Anna Kornikova wat jy erens gesien het? 😛

  • 180


    Howdy — WTF is CSS?

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