OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
118# Thx.
He mentioned something once about being involved with Company Law…
101 – Squeaky clean!!
41 runs in 27 mins for the Aussies….Grrrrr
120 gbs
how about tighthead?
he’s about the only thing keeping keo.co.za together
119# Another lawyer, from Cork this time!
We can start our own Bar soon, I will be the bartender…
Tighthead is a solid guy!
123 – Asbakkie,
Tighthead is very welcome… does somebody have his E-Mail addie… I will personally invite him here !
121 – Yes he does, actually I have no idea what lawyers, barristers or solicitors do……all lawmen….
124 – Pieta,
I will be Judge President !!
126# I second that.
Puma too, while I have the floor…..
124 – Piet I can pull a mean pint…..ok I can wash up too…
123 ashley
Howzit bru!!
Tight Head is a real rugby man, always enjoyed his posts
ab #125
well get him out of there
that site might fall to pieces 😉
isnt that how one should deal with opposition?
In the UK an Attorney is a Solicitor and an Advocate is a Barristor, simple as that.
I was trying to get Soda Joe to contact me to invite him….but he and Puma are both anonymous!!
I always contact them through Roy……not really appropriate in this circumstance!! 😉
131 SAB
nice boet!!
its saturday, only half an hour to go for me before its beer ‘o clock
of course … a test match to look forward to!
Nee man!!!! Wies hierdie Ashley ou???? hehehe
128# We might have a real judge here soon, you know the one Supa and I were talking about.
So, I am afraid that position is filled.
I don’t see him on Voldy anymore.
oh btw
whats the most comments you guys have had on a thread so far?
136 k9
the nicest bloke you’ll ever meet!
I dont want to be in the hierarchy on wetalkrugby, I am too scatterbrained to concentrate on rugby!
135 ashley
and great weather in the fairest of capes for the game!!
Dag al die goeie mense.
Vedomde 2de span baie hartseer veroorsaak gisteraand.
Bokke should win, everything would indicate that.
Layout of the teams at the top of the thread is a nice way to do it.
“welcome to the machine”
oh, for the guy/s who designed this site
so far … no “slow down” warnings, hehehe!!
133# That is what I thought, thx councellor.
Don’t think the bar oke is a ‘tor’ though, he is a ‘ter’, for some reason.
I had two this morning….but fort she’s left 😉
138# About 2000, on the first day I think.
But a couple of hundred bloggers were banned the next day….so the site slowed down a bit to 600 plus yesterday.
122 Carol
Where is that rain now?
k9 #146
Get Tacitus also here he is the only guy left there to fight with 😆
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