OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
778 lyk my ons moet die wallas elke keer op nuweland speel, en die die AB’s elke keer op Ellispark ?
Bokke was only in trouble in the first few minutes, from there on it was catchup for Aus.
Great win, 3 in a row , we are a happy bunch.
Jockbok – Pizza in you neck of the woods,what is the main ingredient, Impala cheese and wildebeast salami topping!!
Irish, really good to catch up with you…enjoy the pub, till the next time!!
Princess – those Boks were classy, it has to be said!!
Guys and Gals,
I’ve saved a match analysis as a next thread, but I’m not going to post it untill we reach 800 here…. so let’s chase it up…. read the other one and continue with our record here…. shall we !!
Wonder where GBS disappeared to , SPCA arrested him?
Hey GBS my bottle brandy is just past the halfway mark , come back.
Only 15 more to go…. come on
785 – SuperBul,
Was distracted for a while….
784 Betaal jy ook in keo dollars of is daar iets beter ? 😉
788 – BDB,
Ek betaal in Virtual Biltong !!
Arme GBS, hy moet al die werk doen terwyl Ed seker al weer lê en slaap …
They have BokTown on TV now….
Can someone tell me what Giteau did ?
Favourite bits from the match – apart from the obvious ones……
Seeing Bekker and Januarie walking onto the field side by side!! (little and large)
Seeing Bakkies snigger!!!
John Smits funny kick!
789 ek het so baie biltong en droeë word ge-eet tydens die toets, dat ek nie eers aandete nodig het nie. Maar ek val vir daardie aanbod.
790 – BDB,
Jou naam klink soos Bidibidi… van Starwars.
So vir interessantheid: is daar van julle wetalkiane wat ook op supersport blog, en by BB se blog ?
#784 Grote.
Voldy’s style.
Just as well post the ratings on this thread and lets go for it? 1000 maybe?
Just a thought….
796 skuus, spelfout: wetalkiJanne
800 ! 😉
796 – BDB,
Nee, ek blog nou NET hier.
Would you like the special Carol player performance ratings??
They are not like the usual type of ratings as you may have guessed!!
A flavour of whats to come
1 – Beast, got quite sweaty before being taken off….7/10
2 – Bismark, great name, not sure I saw him do much 5/10
Do you want more?
Ahhhhhhhhh, the 800 is MINE !!
GBS I know you will want 1,000 next, slave driver!
Eish, mis ek hom met een. Geluk ou grote.
801 ja, laat waai !
Had to pop back – just to say
804 – BDB,
About me doing all the work….. I multitask rather well…
They have just announced the Bokke Touring squad for the Tri-Nations as well…. will do a thread on that one too… in a while.
#801 Please do 🙂
Irish off you go and get some Guinness down your neck….
792 RP
He didn’t do anything that is why the Ozzies lost 😆
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