OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
Morne look so relaxed on the field. Sign of a great player. Seems to me that Burger & Pienaar will get few starts from now on, except for injuries perhaps. C’est la vie, that sports. When you get a chance, grab it with both hands.
Die Bokke speel nou eers weer 29 Aug, in Aus.
Nou kan al die bokke lekker uitrus.
Ek sal al die bokke vries, en niemand in die CB laat speel nie, behalwe die volgende paar ouens wat bietjie oefening nodig het by hul provinsie, veral volgende saterdag:
628 – Bhloo,
2 weeks 3 days, to be exact… and we have’nt even gone public yet…
Me too. I sit with it – much more comfortable. 😆
The total numbers of kicks out of hand in this match…anybody?
630. But the Boks are playing winning test rugby. May not be the most entertaining but they put the points on the board & that’s what counts.
BDB #632 Lyk my jy is skrikkerig vir die Griekwas!!
627 GBS
Voldy is so………. yesterday…….. typical Hillbrow inner city.
631. Morne impresses me more everytime I see him. Made me think when Naas said that he was a running fly half who had to work at his kicking game as a youngster. And now we all see him as a kicking fly half but really, he can play it either way.
Excuse me a second boys, I have to collect my yellow cappie on Superbru quickly…..
633 GBS
I’m privaledged to be invited mate and that only after 2 weeks and 3 days….
Hmmm that was about the time it took me to be redcarded by ohhh can’t even remember that site.
Wow, what another fantastic result and what a first half!!
‘Those boys dun good’ 😆
Hey JimT…..you made it over the hill!
Oh Carol
What a game!
641# That was Dawn, who got to you, I remember that.
Puma was furious about that, first time I saw him so angry there.
637 Boerboel
sorry caps
Is that Bob logging on and joining the site as well…….
Bobby Stinkgat and Breyten Paulse standing there with Sony Vaio Notebooks in front of them…. lekker Notebooks but not cheap
Now going to watch Canterbury vs Auckland. Will checkout Mr DC. ABs need him back in a hurry 🙁
637 Ja ! 🙂
644 PIetman
You rememer…and…. they are really looking for you and GBS – lol…
Gotta get PUMA over here.
Rememer – my I’m sounding like Dawn now.
650# Carol left Puma a message, I think.
I am sure he will be here soon.
650 – Oirish,
We’ll get him here when we go public… no doubt..
Plus some of the other quality bloggers.
Puma and Thight Head would be most welcome here – great guys
642. Carol, hi I made it. I’m still suffering from the trauma of ABs losing back to back games. My therapist says I’m still not emotionally recovered enough to enter civil society. Should take another 2-3 sessions 🙂
GBS hopefully X-kreni is excluded from the quality bloggers
652 – Pietman
That would be nice. Such a nice chappie that one.
There is one or 2 more guys out there on Keo , if we get them here we will rip the heart out of Voldys site.
Bakkies het Matfield al meer vasgehou as sy vrou ! ha ha ha
Of couse Tight Head is also a must.
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