OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
OK, boys and girls, yesterday we set some records with 2 threads going for gold… but this one is going to go ballistic today !!
This is also the Game Thread for this important match between the Bokke and Ozzie in Cape Town (Slaapstad).
Brussouw is awesome. Pity Spies knocked on…
Ek is ook op die soetes vandag hehehe
Blue Bulls 23 – Ozzie 10.
Think I am going to have a we vodka and orange juice on that.
Mooi sover manne.
Maak ons trots.
450. I’ll have a campari and soda please….
No? Ok, klippies and coke then 🙂
Yea, that should have been a try 🙁
454. Careful Piet, just the one then…
Brussow is weereens skitterend.
Jammer ons kon nie druk daar op die einde nie. Moet vinnig toeslaan die 2de helfte. Morne stuur die lyk baie goed weg.
Running out mate. I’m getting so excited I think I drinking Coke – not sniffing
Maybe the Cheetahs would have been 53-10 ahead then 🙂
Driee driee waar is die driee
459 lyk = lyn
461. WP would be behind then. Watson would’ve been tapping and going instead of going for poles.
Oh, it’s sad. Just go Luke, please already…
Drinkkkkkkksssssss coming up !!
I take it you all take doubles !!
462 lyk asof Matfield lus is vir ‘n paar driee.
JPP is ‘n lyk so jy was reg 1ste keer 🙂
JP so so vandag.
JdV moet harder werk.
Francois moet bietjie meer opdis.
Well OK
Grief, nearly done a 20 pack. Got a Marlboro for me GBS????
Nou tyd om vir Bekker op te stuur dan – vinniger en beter hande 🙂
Kom Bokke, julle kan nie teen 13 man speel en nie ‘n drie druk nie.
470 – Jock,
Only Camels… hehehe
464 Amen
Frans speel swak en waar is JdV, bring WO op, o hy is nie daar. Adi maybe/
Hoop iemand gee FS n PK in die kleedkamer sodat hy kan bykom. Ons moet somehow score voor die geel kaatmannetjies terugkom,
473- Ok GB, just the dop then 🙂
471 Ja, as hy begin duik op die kwartlyn, is dit verseker ‘n drie.
This looks like it’s going to be a blowout!
Maybe Boks only need 10 players? What with Morne kicking the points, Smit grub kicking & Matfield scoring the tries, who needs the other backs? heh, heh
#471 Nee f*k, asb nie!!
Puma must be so happy. Miss the bloke.
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