South AfricaWorld XVSpringboks (22) 46 / 10 (10) World XV (Final Score)

The South African Springboks and World XV did battle in an International match at

DHL Newlands, Cape Town at 17:00 SA Time (15:00 GMT).

This was the live match discussion Article.

The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1 & M-Net on TV in SA.




  • Penalties – Handré Pollard (1)
  • Drop Goals – 0
  • Tries – Damian de Allende (2), Eben Etzebeth (1), Willie le Roux (3), Cobus Reinach (1)
  • Conversions – Handré Pollard (2), Pat Lambie (2)

Word XV:

  • Penalties – Mike Harris (1)
  • Drop Goals – 0
  • Tries – Craig Burden (1)
  • Conversions – Mike Harris (1)


South African Springboks
World XV
11 July at 17:00 SA Time
  • Team: 15 Willie le Roux, 14 JP Pietersen, 13 Jesse Kriel, 12 Damian de Allende, 11 Bryan Habana, 10 Handré Pollard, 9 Ruan Pienaar, 8 Warren Whiteley, 7 Marcell Coetzee, 6 Francois Louw, 5 Victor Matfield (Captain), 4 Eben Etzebeth, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Bismarck du Plessis, 1 Tendai Mtawarira
  • Replacements: 16 Adriaan Strauss, 17 Trevor Nyakane, 18 Vincent Koch, 19 Teboho Mohoje, 20 Schalk Burger, 21 Cobus Reinach, 22 Pat Lambie, 23 Jean de Villiers
  • Team: 15 Delon Armitage, 14 Lachie Turner, 13 JJ Engelbrecht, 12 Maxime Mermoz, 11 David Smith, 10 Mike Harris, 9 Luke Burgess, 8 Luke Whitelock, 7 Steffon Armitage, 6 Jordan Taufua, 5 Bakkies Botha (Captain), 4 Ali Williams, 3 Carl Hayman, 2 Craig Burden, 1 Gurthrö Steenkamp
  • Replacements: 16 David Roumieu, 17 Alexandre Menini, 18 Petrus du Plessis, 19 Flip van der Merwe, 20 Louis-Benoit Madaule, 21 Maxime Machenaud, 22 Andrew Horrell, 23 Rudi Wulf

Referee: John Lacey (Ireland)
Assistant Referees: Marius van der Westhuizen (South Africa), Jason Jaftha (South Africa)
TMO: Deon van Blommestein (South Africa)

643 Responses to Internationals: South Africa vs World XV – Live Game Article

  • 331

    Nama wrote:
    It does explain the non inclusion of certain players, who played in other positions, during HM’s tenure as coach to a certain degree.
    Like who?

  • 332

    330 @ Nama:
    80+ is pretty good defensively, Paige adds more though, so I would definitely select him over Groom, When a guy start tackling at a -70% success rate he better either add an effective kicking game or attack, Faf also does not have an international standard kicking game Paige is much closer to…

    Anyway do you honestly think that Faf or Paige would have gotten any game time? They were the form scrumhalves this year, though Paige faded towards the end, because of shockingly terrible tactics by the Bulls, Paige’s inclusion is by know means shocking or “luck” that is pretty much for other players like Oupa, Lood, JPP and maybe even Reinach.

  • 333

    better either add an effective kicking game AND attack*

  • 334

    @ Pietman:
    Ons maak dit moeilik vir onsself. Soos Ango hierbo noem, lyk dit vir hom asof ‘n posisie soos loskop gereserveer is vir swart spelers. Nou, voeg daarby vleuel en miskien nog heelagter dan sit jy met ‘n probleem dat jy op enige gegewe dag ‘n maksimum van 4 swart spelers kan kies.

    Maak die ding oop op die laer vlakke sodat die nasionale afrigter nie beperk word tot net sekere posisies vir swart spelers nie. Provinsiale afrigters veral moet wegbeweeg van die vleuel gedagte. Dit sal dinge makliker maak vir nasionale afrigter om ‘n verteenwoordigende span op meriete te kies.

  • 335

    Bangladesh crushes the Proteas, scoring the winning runs in just 27.4 overs to win by 7 wickets.

  • 336

    334 @ Nama:
    Stem saam.

  • 337

    331 @ MacroPolo:
    JdJ in 2013/14 op buitesenter.
    Jantjies op losskakel toe hy strate beter as Morne was.

  • 338

    @ Nama:
    Ons sal dus nou met valkoe dophou om te sien hoe Mapoe op buitesenter behandel word. Dit sal absoluut niks bewys as hy byvoorbeeld vleuel toe geskuif word om hom vir sy goeie vorm die jaar te beloon nie behalwe om te bevestig dat sekere posisies we gereserveer word. Met ‘n “maksimum getal” wat daarmee gepaard gaan.

  • 339

    Nama wrote:

    The fact that my opinion does not count one iota does not mean that I can’t still make it known on public forums such as this

    Who said you may not voice your opinion (including all the invective you so liberally splurt out late at night)?

    As regards political interference and its consequences, whether intended or not, politics is the art of the possible:
    If then a coach (i.e. any SA coach, not just HM) is forced to execute political directives & to apply race quotas in rugby, it stands to reason he will first select black players in positions where black players feature strongest. Loosehead prop is one of those positions. He will also select white players feature strongest.

    Two things, Nama:
    1. Is the Beast still the best loosehead in SA?
    2. Give us your Bok XV merit selection without any consideration of race; give us your Bok merit selection opinion.

  • 340

    @ Nama:
    JDJ in 2014, in 2013 was het hy net soos hierdie jaar gespeel, nie goed genoeg nie, Jantjies het mos in 2012 gespeel, 2013 was hy nerens nie en verlede jaar het hy gesukkel om sy eie span te haal… die jaar was hy goed, maar morne het ook die jaar n helse groot trofee saam sy span gewen.

    2 spelers wat opinie gewissel het van persoon tot persoon

  • 341

    @ MacroPolo:
    Paige is “lucky” that FdP is not available yet. Wink

  • 342

    @ Nama:
    Mapoe het dan vlueel ook gespeel die jaar, een van die groot voordele van Mapoe is dat hy kan vlueel ook speel. So sal dit werklik so groot skok wees?

  • 343

    @ Nama:
    Whitely is ook lucky hy kan begin sonder Vermeulen daar.

  • 344

    @ Nama:
    @334 Daai is die storie, ons praat dit mos al lank, van Morne PisMier se dae af.

  • 345

    @ Nama:
    Ek sal Mapoe verkies op vlueel bo Cornal en JPP.

  • 346

    345 @ MacroPolo:
    Om plek te maak vir Jesse Kriel/Janneman op 13?

    Dis presies waarvan ek praat.

  • 347

    Give us your Bok XV merit selection without any consideration of race; give us your Bok merit selection opinion. @ Angostura:

    HIERDIE span wil ek graag sien!
    Wait for it…..

  • 348

    @ Nama:
    Nee ek dink net hy speel beter as hulle, hulle verdien glad nie om in die bok groep te wees nie, selfs Mvovu op “form”.

  • 349

    This is pretty funny, Rugby365

    3 Carl Hayman
    Solid at scrum time and gave Jannie du Plessis a few headaches.

    1 Gurthrö Steenkamp
    Proved to be a good test for Tendai Mtawarira at scrum time.

  • 350

    @ MacroPolo:
    Mvovo speel mos links, dan nie? Mapoe regtervleuel. Beste man in daai posisie vanjaar, vir my, was Kobus van Wyk, en ook Ruan Combrinck. Maar hulle is nie nou in die tel nie, so los daai eers…

  • 351

    @ MacroPolo:
    Ja, maar jy is nou besig om net sekere spelers teen mekaar op te week in ‘n sekere posisie. Kan ‘n mens nou praat van “posisie reservering”, amper soos werk reservering?

    Die man het hom bewys as die beste 13 die jaar. Waarom wil jy hom nou op vleuel oorweeg net omdat die wat daar is kak speel? Laat Haban oorbeweeg 14 toe (soos hy moes doen om vir Hougie plek te maak op 11), Mvovo 11 en laat Mapoe op sy posisie bly.

  • 352

    @ Angostura:
    Only see this post now.

    1/ Nee

    2. Here goes.

    15. Willie
    14. Hougie (op vanjaar se vorm)
    13. Mapoe
    12. De Allende
    11. Habana
    10. Jantjies
    9. Pienaar
    8. Vermeulen*
    7. Schalla*
    6. Brussow/Flo
    5. Ruan Botha/Mosterd
    4. Etzebeth
    3. Malherbe
    2. Bissie
    1. Kitshoff

    My other option would be to play Vermeulen at 7 and Whiteley at 8.

  • 353

    @ Nama:
    Vlueel is deesdae so belangrike posisie, dit help nie jy skuif jou “swakker” spelers uit nie of hulle kleur nou pienk of geel is, Soos jy se, die probleem kom van onder af, en daar is maar baie min wat die nasionale afrigter kan doen behalwe om daarmee saam te lewe en die beste daarvan sal moet maak, soos Pietman sê, van Wyk, Hougie en Ruan Combrink sal nie een telleurgestel het nie… Dit raak maar n flippen moeilike puzzle om die ouens so te juggle.

  • 354

    @ Nama:
    Wat het geword van Grobbelaar op 4?

  • 355

    @ Nama:

    I think it would be fair if you now post YOUR merit XV.

  • 356

    @ MacroPolo:
    Moes Mosted gewees het. Klein foutjie aan my kant.

    Jy maak nie ook partykeer foutjies nie?

  • 357

    @ Nama:
    Ek was nog besig om my voorspelers neer te skryf, toe steel jy my hele agterlyn! Behalwe ek het nog gedink oor Hougie….sou hom waarskynlik ook uiteindelik ingesit het vir dieselfde rede as jy, vorm.
    Maar daai agterlyn is reg, myns insiens.

  • 358

    @ Nama:
    Jy het Mostert ook daai tyd gehad, ek spot maar net, dit was nogals snaaks gewees, ek dink jy het gerbrand grobbler bedoel. 😆

  • 359

    @ MacroPolo:
    Jammer oor Paultjie, hy moes daar gewees het… Wink

  • 360

    @ Pietman:
    Nee wat, Paultjie wou mos loop, hy kan maar gaan.

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